This is the fifth and final episode of the incredible Founder Series.

Has the Founders series inspired you to take a look at any of the platforms we’ve been discussing? Please share your feedback as a review on Apple Podcasts or by sending me a DM over on Instagram!

My business is here to help you expand your music studio and music teaching business online. I know how much passion you have for music education and everything that I put out on the podcast, social media and in my broadcast emails is designed to inspire, motivate, and help you move forward.

I know that there is a lot of material, and a lot of things that you could be doing. Sometimes we just really can't do this alone -- that's really what I'm here for. I am here regardless of what phase of your online journey you are on -- from getting your first client or creating your first program, to leveling up and building out your own private empire!

This series was all about software to help you provide the best possible private lessons, which are, in my mind, the first major stepping stone towards being able to EXPAND. What you do in private lessons can be extrapolated and pulled out and put into a group format (online interactive group programs, online courses, online workshop series, single workshops, membership sites or anything that leverages the one to many business model!)

It’s all about your content being delivered to many people through a system.

If you have one-to-many programming on your vision board, then you are my kind of person and I’m thrilled you’ve been enjoying this series.

Let’s connect on a call- and if you haven't downloaded the Make Money Teaching Music Online guide, be sure to click here to download it now!

Now, to get to what you’re actually wanting to see… the questions!

What is one misconception about you or your software that you would like to refute. Building a software solution involves a lot of little decisions and some big ones. I asked our founders to share about the architecture and some of the design decisions or technology decisions that they have used. Then, because I know that software works best when it works well with others, we discuss integrations and API access.

In addition to the podcast series, I have pulled a ton of content together in a blog post that came out today. You can check it out here!

The sooner that you have a platform that you feel confident teaching with, the more opportunities you're going to bring to your students and into your studio.

And that's what I want for you, for your online studio to thrive now and well into the future.

Please share this podcast series with friends and other music teachers that you know will appreciate it -- and so will I! And so will our Founders!

Don't be a stranger - connect with me on Instagram @jaimeslutzky and book a call with me using this link

And if you’re feeling inspired and you’re serious about making teaching music online your full-time gig, I have lots of ideas as to how you can Make Money Teaching Music Online, so be sure to download the guide now!

It's time! Round 3 of the Online Music Course Accelerator is open for application. Click here for details.