This is our fourth and probably most anticipated episode in the Founders Series.

Many of your remaining questions about using these made-for-online-music-lessons software options will be answered in this episode.

SaaS products, or Software as a Service products, really do require a test drive to determine if they are going to work the way you want them to. It’s easy to look at them “on paper” but until we’ve sat down in front of the screen and interacted with them, it’s impossible to know exactly how you will jive with them. And that’s what today’s episode is all about… using the software and being part of their ecosystem.

Before we get into the episode, if you haven't downloaded the Make Money Teaching Music Online guide, be sure to click here to download it now!

The software founders in this series are: Michael Grande with Rock Out Loud Live Sam Reti with Muzie.Live Rebecca Featherstone with Musicology Eric DeGrove with Blink Session Music

To get started, we talk about $$$ Yup…

What is the monthly fee? Do you have a free level, a free tier, or a free trial? And what’s included in the different price options?

Then to give you a good idea as to what you need to effectively use the platforms and how to make the best experience for your students, we discuss hardware (computers, phones, tablets,etc.) and apps and browser settings.

Long ago were the days of computer stores where we pick up software in a box and load floppy discs into the drive to install the software onto our hard drives. Nowadays everything is instantly accessible through app stores and websites. And the same goes for customer support and community. So, I asked what that looks like -- because when you know you’re able to connect with other users and the founder in a way that matches your needs, it’s a compelling factor!

I know you’re looking at running the best possible online lessons for your students. And this leads right into the final question of this episode…

Other than the live lessons, what else can teachers and students do with your software?

This episode was probably the meatiest of this entire series -- I wouldn't be surprised if you want to listen to it more than once!

And I’m sure that you know another music teacher who wants to compare and contrast these software options. Will you do me, Rebecca, Eric, Mike and Sam a favor and click the share button inside your podcast app and to forward this episode to another music teacher?

I know that making the decision to buy into a new piece of software can be overwhelming and that’s truly the last thing I want to see. Reach out to me if you have any questions or would like clarification. And know this, you are in great hands with all of our Founders.

If you’re serious about making teaching music online your full time gig, I have lots of ideas as to how you can Make Money Teaching Music Online, so be sure to download the guide now!

Come back next week for our final episode in this series! And in the meantime, be sure to book a call with me at so we can chat about where you are on your music teacher journey. You can also find me on Instagram at @jaimeslutzky.

It's time! Round 3 of the Online Music Course Accelerator is open for application. Click here for details.