Yoga and touch are heavily associated with each other - as yoga teachers, we are often given some training in how to use our hands, feet, and bodies to align, adjust and even comfort our students. As a student, chances are you’ve been touched by a yoga teacher in class. Many students have told me that the main reason they go to yoga is to be touched, and still countless others have told me they’ve been injured, or even abused by their yoga teachers using touch. 

As awareness finally grows in the yoga community about consent to touch being a non-negotiable necessity ( hello & thank you #metoo + the netflix Bikram doco + writings about somatic dominance + Karen Rain going public to name just a few! ) some teachers have become ( understandably ) hesitant and confused about touching their students. I get it. And I think we should be concerned, I think we should educate ourselves around consent, I think we should reevaluate the need to adjust anyone with the intention of taking him / her / them deeper into a pose. 

Touch can heal. And touch can harm. Can we as a yoga community relearn how we use touch to make it helpful rather than harmful?

Ashley Brodeur thinks so. Ashley offers us a way to touch that is informed & supportive. It’s not designed to fix, or correct anything. Instead of taking a student deeper into his / her / their pose, Feelosophy uses informed touch to take the student deeper into their connection with themselves. 


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