Julia Freeland Fisher is the author of Who You Know: Unlocking Innovations That Expand Students’ Networks (Wiley, 2018). The book focuses on emerging tools and practices that leverage technology to radically expand who students know – their stock of “social capital” – by enhancing their access to and ability to navigate new peer, mentor, and professional networks.

Julia is the director of education research at the Clayton Christensen Institute. She leads a team that educates policymakers and community leaders on the power of disruptive innovation in the K-12 and higher education spheres through its research.

Join us as we have an awesome conversation concerning the importance of teaching kids about the power of connecting with others - networking. One of the awesome takeaways is that the teaching of networking needs to go beyond the skills and actually focus on helping the students find and become part of networks that they may have very little or no access to without help. 

Who You Know: Unlocking Innovations That Expand Students’ Networks is an excellent read that will make you want to start counting the ways that you can integrate networking into your daily plans. This was an awesome talk that opened my eyes to a very real need.

Thanks for listening and sharing! 

Find Out More:

email Julia: [email protected]











Length - 46:03

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