Maha Bali and Autumm Caines share about ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development on episode 252 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode
A lot of the faculty development I offer is very different from my own professional development.
—Maha Bali

What’s hospitable in one context isn’t hospitable in another.
—Autumm Caines

Resources Mentioned

A call for promoting ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development via connected learning, by Maha Bali and Autumm Caines
Equity Unbound
TIHE #223: But You Can't Do That in a STEM Course with Karen Cangialosi
Virtually Connecting
Dual-pathway MOOCs
Dual-layer MOOCs
Matt Crosslin’s website
Twitter Journal Club
Marginal Syllabus 
Not Yet-Ness
Intentionally-equitable Hospitality - new article coming soon
Social Justice & Hybrid workshop opportunities at #oer19
Mozilla Open Leaders
Rebecca Hogue
CCC Digital Learning Day keynote 
“Imagination of how things could be otherwise is central to the initiation of the transformative process”. (Mezirow, 2006/2018 p. 119).

Maha Bali and Autumm Caines share about ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development on episode 252 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

A lot of the faculty development I offer is very different from my own professional development.

—Maha Bali

What’s hospitable in one context isn’t hospitable in another.

—Autumm Caines

Resources Mentioned

A call for promoting ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development via connected learning, by Maha Bali and Autumm Caines
Equity Unbound
TIHE #223: But You Can’t Do That in a STEM Course with Karen Cangialosi
Virtually Connecting
Dual-pathway MOOCs
Dual-layer MOOCs
Matt Crosslin’s website
Twitter Journal Club
Marginal Syllabus 
Not Yet-Ness
Intentionally-equitable Hospitality – new article coming soon
Social Justice & Hybrid workshop opportunities at #oer19
Mozilla Open Leaders
Rebecca Hogue
CCC Digital Learning Day keynote 
“Imagination of how things could be otherwise is central to the initiation of the transformative process”. (Mezirow, 2006/2018 p. 119).