Librarians can be such a wonderful resource to us as faculty. Today's guests are Georgia Tech Academic Librarians: Mary Axford and Crystal Renfro. They  have been a tremendous help to me - and I've never even met them in person. Call it a testament to the power of academic personal knowledge management...
Episode 9: Academic personal knowledge management
These are the notes from our dialog together about academic personal knowledge management for academic researchers and librarians.
Podcast notes
Crystal Renfro

Mary Axford

The comments made by Crystal and Mary during the podcast are their own opinions and do not represent those of Georgia Tech.
Academic personal knowledge management

 Academic Personal Knowledge Management -
Free course: A year to improved productivity for librarians and academic researchers
Link roundups

Our recent PKM discoveries

Jamie Todd Rubin's Going Paperless Blog (Mary)
Jamie Todd Rubin's post on simplifying Evernote notebooks (Mary)
Bonni advises to start simple with Evernote notebooks (I use 1) personal, 2) work, and 3) reference; plus 4) a shared/family notebook with Dave called BondNotes)
I Click it and I Know it video from Mircosoft about how OneNote works with the Surface tablet  (Crystal)

PKM Foundations

Compares it to a Trapper Keeper folder; Ways of organizing information (Crystal)
First discovery of PKM was from a colleague at Georgia Tech, Elizabeth Shields (Mary)
Loves using Evernote: Helped her accomplish a move a few years back in a very short time (Mary)

Academic databases and PKM
How the databases have kept up, as well as how the researchers have kept up with the new features (Crystal)

Evernote to track and plan blogs and podcasts (Mary)
Bonni's Zotero tutorials
Catherine Pope's Zotero posts

It's very individual. What works for one person may not work for someone else.

Be sure that you don't let the 'doing the tool' well become more the goal versus achieving your purpose with the tool. (Crystal)

Archived version of our A Year to Improved Productivity for Librarians and Academic Researchers Program

ProfHacker  |  GradHacker  |  Catherine Pope's The Digital Researcher  (Mary)

Tweet about the random sandwich generator from Dan Szymborski (Bonni)
This is why I really need adult supervision: I made a random sandwich generator based on my available cold cuts.

— Dan Szymborski (@DSzymborski) August 6, 2014
ScoopIt : Robin Good's sites on content curation (Crystal)

Write us a review on iTunes or Stitcher to help other people discover the show
Subscribe to the weekly update and receive the EdTech Essentials eBook, as well as the podcast show notes via email - only one email per week and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Librarians can be such a wonderful resource to us as faculty. Today’s guests are Georgia Tech Academic Librarians: Mary Axford and Crystal Renfro. They  have been a tremendous help to me – and I’ve never even met them in person. Call it a testament to the power of academic personal knowledge management…

Episode 9: Academic personal knowledge management

These are the notes from our dialog together about academic personal knowledge management for academic researchers and librarians.

Podcast notes

Crystal Renfro

Mary Axford

The comments made by Crystal and Mary during the podcast are their own opinions and do not represent those of Georgia Tech.

Academic personal knowledge management

 Academic Personal Knowledge Management –
Free course: A year to improved productivity for librarians and academic researchers
Link roundups

Our recent PKM discoveries

Jamie Todd Rubin’s Going Paperless Blog (Mary)
Jamie Todd Rubin’s post on simplifying Evernote notebooks (Mary)
Bonni advises to start simple with Evernote notebooks (I use 1) personal, 2) work, and 3) reference; plus 4) a shared/family notebook with Dave called BondNotes)
I Click it and I Know it video from Mircosoft about how OneNote works with the Surface tablet  (Crystal)

PKM Foundations

Compares it to a Trapper Keeper folder; Ways of organizing information (Crystal)
First discovery of PKM was from a colleague at Georgia Tech, Elizabeth Shields (Mary)
Loves using Evernote: Helped her accomplish a move a few years back in a very short time (Mary)

Academic databases and PKM

How the databases have kept up, as well as how the researchers have kept up with the new features (Crystal)

Evernote to track and plan blogs and podcasts (Mary)
Bonni’s Zotero tutorials
Catherine Pope’s Zotero posts

It’s very individual. What works for one person may not work for someone else.

Be sure that you don’t let the ‘doing the tool’ well become more the goal versus achieving your purpose with the tool. (Crystal)

Archived version of our A Year to Improved Productivity for Librarians and Academic Researchers Program


ProfHacker  |  GradHacker  |  Catherine Pope’s The Digital Researcher  (Mary)

Tweet about the random sandwich generator from Dan Szymborski (Bonni)

This is why I really need adult supervision: I made a random sandwich generator based on my available cold cuts.

— Dan Szymborski (@DSzymborski) August 6, 2014

ScoopIt : Robin Good’s sites on content curation (Crystal)


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Subscribe to the weekly update and receive the EdTech Essentials eBook, as well as the podcast show notes via email – only one email per week and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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