Welcome to today’s ICYMI, where we kick off the week with a quick game-changing tip from one of our guests that you might have missed. 

This week we’re throwing it back to our chat with the founders of Monday Girl, as we  dive into the do's, don'ts, and best questions to ask during a networking chat. If you’re on the job hunt, looking to change industries, going freelance, or want to scale your side hustle this episode is for you

Rachel and Istiana of Monday Girl provide a safe space for women to explore empowering career opportunities, job resources, and more. Through their network, you’re set up to meet thousands of other like-minded and career-driven women and through their social club membership you can get access to exclusive events, career resources, mentorship opportunities, and curated job postings.

We hope this episode helps inspire you to network like a boss and pursue the career of your dreams!

Tune in every Monday for an expert dose of life advice in under 10 minutes.

For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.ca

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