There is no “I” in team which explains why Trump has no team.

The definition professional behavior in the context of attorneys in the Special Counsel’s office, the intelligence services, and law enforcement includes the ability of these persons to separate personal preferences or agendas from the demands of their jobs or portfolios of authority. Again, this definition explains Trump who can not understand how anyone can act without some form of individual profit. In Trump’s worldview Virtue is Vice and greed is the greatest of all virtues in his vicedom.

Mr. McGahn knew full well what he was signing onto in becoming Chief Counsel to the Don. If he now is cutting bait (and making plea deals), he must know the levee won’t hold the flood of corruption behind it.

This kabuki theater only reinforces the sense that Tump is hiding something big. It's not the obstruction of justice, which is playing out in plain sight. It's the underlying conspiracy to collude with Russians to steal a presidential election. That's where the biggest jeopardy lays. Mueller knows and should reveal this to the public as soon as possible.

There's an important element of timeliness here. Trump's ongoing criminal behavior and outrageous statements are normalizing his criminality. Add that to his increasing attacks on otherwise reputable federal agencies and senior public servants, and real harm is being done.

I think we all know where this should end. There's no need to gild the investigative lily. Let's get the basic case against Trump out in time for elections to rein in this stain on our democracy.