If we want better outcomes, we must have the courage to demand better from our leaders. Alexandra knows something about courage: in 2006, as a transgender woman, she was one of the first in the U.S. intelligence community to transition on the job. Alexandra is the only candidate in this race who has worked in national security. She got things done against some of the toughest challenges in the world, and will work across boundaries to get things done in Congress. As a former intelligence analyst, Alexandra will lead in the effort to stand up for the integrity of our democracy against threats foreign and domestic. She will work to ensure Russia never dares to interfere with our elections again.

As the next Congresswoman from Massachusetts's 3rd District, Alexandra will stand up for jobs and better pay. She will stand up for better healthcare at a lower cost, on the way to universal health care and paid family leave for everyone. She will stand up for better addiction treatment, for common-sense gun safety solutions, for voting rights and civil liberties, and for policies to combat climate change.

She will stand up for working people, middle class people, women, people of color, immigrants, veterans, people with disabilities, and LGBT people against President Trump’s attacks on us.
