Danny Zuker, the president's Twitter nemesis, explains how he manages his chronic presidential agita — or, as he calls it, I.B.S. ("Idiotic Bully Syndrome").

Have you suffered weight loss or weight gain after seeing images of babies being ripped away from their mothers? Is the fact that a Russian dictator is now controlling U.S. policy through a grotesque orange puppet affecting your sleep? Do the expressions "fake news" and "witch hunt" induce feelings of nausea? Well, you may be suffering from what the scientists at Fox News (the same scientists who doubt climate change and evolution) call Trump Derangement Syndrome, but what I call I.B.S., Idiotic Bully Syndrome. Let's face it, for many of us, the legitimization of white supremacists can be somewhat stressful. I'm not ashamed to admit that when I hear people say that the answer to my country's gun violence problem is more guns, I will often break out in hives. Fortunately, I've discovered 10 drug-free ways to alleviate this anxiety. I hope they work for you.

1. Engage with social media trolls but only to correct their grammar.

There is truly nothing more satisfying than responding to a comment like "Your an idiot!" with the succinct reply "You're." (This also works for "There," "Their" and "They're.")

Read the entire article here: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/modern-family-writer-10-ways-deal-your-trump-anxiety-1127796 By Danny Zuker.
