*Trigger Warning*

Todays guest is Keely Dempsey. She is 24 and for any astrology friends out there she is a libra sun, virgo moon, and gemini rising. She is a dog and cat mom. She works as a server in a restaurant, and while it's a crazy job to have and very hectic at times she absolutely loves it as she explained she “thrives in chaos”. She love advocating for seeking therapy and wanted to give a referral site https://www.psychologytoday.com/us , is a good place to start to find a therapist that works for you. Connect with her on socials @k33lymari3

In this episode, we cover:

How trauma is different for everyone (meaning the definition may be different also)
Traumatic experiences and how to heal from them
The different type of sexual assault perspectives from survivors
Tips while on healing journey


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Do you want more support in shifting your mindset or bringing in more self-love? Then you can purchase my book that serves as a guide to support you in your journey to connect to your most authentic self and engage in intentional consciousness. Click the link below to get your own copy!

A Woman’s Badass Battle: How to Overcome Challenges and Become Your Most Authentic Self https://www.amazon.com/Womans-Badass-Battle-Challenges-Authentic-ebook/dp/B09NMT5ZXH/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=1YV7EHLMS1ZDQ&keywords=battle+of+the+mind+by+taylor+macuci&qid=1640048807&sprefix=battle+of+the+mind+by+taylor+macuci%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-2

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Have an amazing day full of abundance and I’m sending you so much love!


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