If you are anything like me, then you have spent much of your life feeling like a bit of a misfit. What you think is important provokes the derision or confusion of others, making it hard to live an authentic life because you are caught between who you know yourself to be and what the world is telling you to be.

My friend Kris Ferraro grew up feeling like a misfit as well. Now, as an adult and someone who has worked with clients for well over a decade, she recognizes that being a misfit is a blessing.

Even though that recognition is helpful, living in the world as a "black sheep" comes with challenges.

In this episode of the podcast I talk to Kris about her new book Your Difference Is Your Strength and we explore how to live as your authentic self, even when that self seems of sync with the world around you.

If you have ever felt like theblack sheep, then this episode is essential listening!

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Guest: Kris Ferraro

About: Kris Ferraro is an Author, Energy Healer and Teacher on practical healing, emotional alchemy, manifestation, and spirituality. Blending ancient with cutting-edge principles and practices, Kris teaches how to clear past wounds and create a flourishing future. She is an accredited certified EFT Practitioner and licensed Spiritual Practitioner, with a private coaching practice for over 15 years. Her books include the #1 Amazon bestseller Energy Healing, an introduction to energy psychology practices, and [Manifesting[(https://amzn.to/3LLsYRM), now in its 6th printing. Her latest, Your Difference Is Your Strength, was released October 3rd, 2023.

Contact: web @ KrisFerraro.com; facebook @ [facebook.com/kris.ferraro](http://facebook.com/kris.ferraro]; Instagram @kriseft; Twitter @[KrisEft](http://twitter.com](kriseft)


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