Tapping is a wonderful tool that can help us to feel better in the moment, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as emotional first aid.

As much as I love emotional first aid, I find tapping's ability to help us to clear fear and resistance so that we make better, more thoughtful choices even more impressive. If I am consistently able to make more choices that are congruent with my authentic self, then I am much less likely to be overwhelmed by emotions in the first place.

Emotional first aid is perfect for the moment. Clearing resistance and limiting beliefs sets me up for an easier, happier future.

With all that being said, I actually like making bad choices. And I don't mean that in a "I learn more from my failure than my successes" sort of way. I do think mistakes are a powerful way to learn, but that's not what I mean here.

I believe that making bad choices with no lesson to be learned has some interesting benefits.

But only in a certain context.

This week I share with you how I make bad choices, why I make bad choices, and how that relates to healing and tapping.

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Don't forget to check out the Tapping Success Academy if you are serious about getting better results with your tapping: http://tappingsuccessacademy.com