The human experience is complicated. At times it can feel like we are being pulled in multiple directions, as if we are of two (or many) minds. I recently thought this was expressed perfectly on one of my favorite TV shows, Project Runway (US version). In the midst of struggling with choosing her creative direction one of the contestants, Victoria Cocieru, said “In my brain I have a thousand little brains and they are fighting with each other.”

It can be hard to take action or create a space for healing when we are of so many minds.

Alan Davidson was the perfect guest for a discussion of how humans can simultaneously be pulled in many different directions. I am a big fan of parts work and in this conversation Alan shares his unique and powerful work with archetypes, and we explore how it intersects with and complements parts work.

It was with huge sadness that I learned of Alan's death in April of 2021. This was one of the last interviews he did. He was a thoughtful practitioner, a loving man, and a friend. He will be missed, but the power of his work and words live on.

You can find the full tapping script of this audio as a pdf over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.

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Guest: Alan Davidson

Contact: web @

About: Alan Davidson created Evolutionary Mystic Meditation, the synthesis of Voice Dialogue, Big Mind, EFT/Tapping and Shadow Work, and the founder of He was also the author of Body Brilliance: Mastering Your Five Vital Intelligences, the #1 best-selling Health and Wellness book and winner of TWO national book of the year awards.