I am fortunate enough to have engaged and self-aware clients, many of whom have spent years studying healing and transformation. That means they are often aware of the root causes of their issues and come to me for help because they are too close to clear the issues on their own.

Our sessions generally begin with them reporting what they are struggling with, and also what they believe is the root cause. As we start to do the healing work, they are often surprised when we don't immediately begin with the root cause they have identified.

As a practitioner, I am not avoiding their root cause because I think it is unimportant, or because I do not trust my clients' understanding of their issues. Instead, I have found that whether dealing with issues big or small, it is best to start with the emotions about the issue before working on the issue itself.

In this week's podcast we are continuing the Healing Fundamentals series by looking at the idea of the emotion about the issue. Starting with the emotion about the issue makes for a gentler healing process and creates deeper, lasting transformation.

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