Recently I conducted a survey of my readers and listeners asking them what their biggest struggle with tapping is. There were five really common responses:

Not knowing where to start
​* Having way too many issues to tap for ​Not knowing what to say when tapping for a particular issue ​Tapping consistently
​* Finding that tapping for one issue turns into an avalanche of emotions that feel too daunting to manage

These responses were no surprise because I hear the same concerns from my clients all the time.

But there was a sixth response that was not only surprising, but also a little heartbreaking. It was: "I am not worthy of healing and transformation."

There are lots of reasons why someone might feel this way. We have squandered opportunities to heal in the past, we have made too many mistakes, it is too late and we should have started sooner, or simply it is something that is for others, but not for me.

To my great surprise, as I was recording this podcast I found my way to some of my own feelings of unworthiness. I didn't think it was something I was struggling with.

Even if you don't think this is an issue you struggle with, I encourage you to tap along as I have a feeling it is a hidden resistance for you as well.

You can find the full tapping script of this audio as a pdf over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.

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