Previous Episode: Trying to fit in
Next Episode: Confidence in conflict

You’re emotions don’t get you in trouble; it’s how you react from your emotions that cause trouble. 

In this video, I briefly explain why suppressing your emotions isn’t a healthy habit as it can cause and create a lack of intimacy with self and can create thoughts that lead to low self esteem, lack of confidence and self worth.

Imagine when you suppress something you in other words holdback. That is what you are doing, holding your emotions back causing yourself to feel overwhelmed. 

If you don’t release them, where do they go?

You can’t see oxygen, but you still have to release oxygen in order to properly breathe. 

Pent up emotions manifest itself in multiple ways; stress, illness, etc.

Tip: Process your emotions.

How: one tool I enjoy using to process my emotions is journaling.

I love journaling. 

Its apart of my daily self care routine. I spend time with me, intentionally.

Journaling leads me to clarity. 
My thoughts become expansive. 
I’m building intimacy with myself; as I prioritize myself for these few minutes a day. 

It’s really an amazing process to see what your thoughts, look like on paper….days, months and years later.

To begin to pay attention to the thoughts you are creating…..✨


Emotions were given to people for a reason. It’s how you use your emotions to impact yourself and others in a positive way or not that matter. 

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