It’s interesting how we can be very quick to cut people out of our lives who aren’t related to us, who are toxic, users and abusers, but when it comes to our own family we tend to turn a blind eye. This traditional way of being creates unhealthy general patterns , enmeshment and painful experiences which often we end up perpetuating those same unhealthy relationships patterns in our adult lives. Our blind eye and unwillingness to hold family accountable for their abuse, neglect and mishandling of ourselves due to specific titles create a Blindspot in the mind. This Blindspot can cause us to continue to attract predators into our lives which harms our  earthly experiences and reality. 

Abuse, neglect, and misuse does not change its definition just because a family or close friend was the one behind the action. If anything we should hold these people to a higher standard because they have, often times, the most access and are closest to  us.

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