Previous Episode: Life is what you think it
Next Episode: Acting from fear

Life is always speaking to us. It’s all about how you are listening (receiving/processing) information.✨

In Stacy story she talks about how she learned to love her body.

She talks about how she was teased as a child for her physical shape. She gave meaning to the experience (teasing) and concluded she was not liked at school because she was “fat”. 

This experience created negative feelings; which created negative thoughts about herself.

She speaks about how those childhood years of being teased were beginning to show up in her adult life. 

How her own insecurities about herself and her body were influencing her behavior and causing her to misjudged people and situations.

She gives examples.

In conclusion, those experiences when she was a child do not compare to the level of compliments and overall support she has received over her adult life. 

She realized she was the cause of her own suffering.

By her own negative thoughts; which created a negative perceptive and relationship with herself. 

She overcame this limiting way of thinking and began to appreciate herself.

She decided if she is going to focus on experiences,
Why not let those experiences, be the GOOD ones.


Ps. Omg just realized the video cut out at the end…. Grr the song was suppose to play to chorus😫. 

#self #love #image
#good #news #thoughts #creative #mind #born #this #way #knowledge  #knowyourworth #grow #children #tease

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