Fred Stevens-Smith of Rainforest explains the need for quality assurance testing and how to actually do it in the resource constrained environment of a startup.

Here's what to listen for:

4:06 What is quality assurance testing?
5:19 What are the main differences between an automated test and a QA test?
7:11 For those of us that have automated tests, do I still need QA tests run by hand?
11:41 What is the difference between an integration test and a unit test?
14:48 What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
17:49 Who should be writing QA tests?
21:10 How do I shift my perspective from building things to breaking them?
23:33 Why is it problematic to leave QA for the last minute?
27:14 How thorough do our tests need to be?
30:23 What do you to minimize the cost of the time it takes to test?
39:30 How do you balance your team owning QA without getting distracted by building a QA team?