Jordan Gal of CartHook talks about how he found his technical co-founder, how he de-risked his app before building it, and the tension between business and technology requirements.

Here's what to listen for:

2:17 How did CartHook get started?
4:04 How did you find your technical co-founder?
6:55 What stage was CartHook at when you looked for your technical founder?
8:06 What convinced you that you needed to work with someone in-house?
11:35 How was your relationship structured?
14:01 Was your job to just be the idea person?
17:26 What matters to a technical person being approached by a non-technical person?
22:03 What challenges do you face working remotely?
31:21 Should non-technical founders learn how to code?
33:55 How do you stay on the same page with product?
35:15 How do you balance technology and business requirements?