The Credit Repair business is a very demanding and lucrative one. There are so many entrepreneurs doing it but as a collective, they still cannot meet the demand because so many people are struggling to fix their credit so they can potentially get a loan for their business, home, car, or anything else.

Banks will always ask for your credit score and if it's in the red then you won't get that loan that you need. This was something that Ruel had to learn the hard way when he moved from Ethiopia to the US. He had no idea was his credit score was and as a result, he couldn't struggling to transition to a new life here in the US.

It is fair to say that Reul got obsessed with Credit Score to the point of fixing his credit scores, his sponsor's credit score, and the people he knew. He would eventually establish a reputation as the credit repair guy and fast forward to today he has been killing it with his credit repair business Dajo Finance.

What makes Reul different from other entrepreneurs in the credit repair space is that he believes in the idea of providing value first. He constantly talks about giving people free information because it will help him and his brand in the long run. 

In this podcast episode, we breakdown the steps needed to create a credit repair business if you want to hop on this grand opportunity.

Check out Reul Wodajo here:

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