Jeet Banerjee is a TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of Income Incubator. He realized when he was in high school that he didn't want to work for anybody because the feeling of being "replaced" by another person didn't feel right.

After dabbling with website development at his own company JB Media Force, Jeet Banerjee stumbled upon eCommerce. This business model of eCommerce gave him autonomy and ever since it has stuck with him.

Like many dropshippers, the game is to find a winning product from a manufacturer in Asia. However, Jeet took a different approach to use local manufacturers here in the US and offering great product delivery, which is something you cannot really do if you ship directly from Asia.

By communicating with manufacturers, Jeet Banerjee is able to deliver unique products to the market while creating a brand experience and having them become a distributor as well. In other words, Jeet has created a system around the logistics to make and deliver quality products to his customers.

In fact, Jeet Banerjee's model is so successful that he has over a dozen eCommerce stores and counting. His ambition is to grow this number by acquiring other eCommmerce brands because starting a new one from scratch can be a long process.

If you would like to check him out, you can find Jeet Banerjee here:

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