Eric Patel is the Founder and CMO of Edullo which is an affordable, flexible, and personalized learning service for college students. It's like the Fiverr or Upwork for college students. Say, for example, you are a teaching assistant for a college professor. You have a lot more value to offer than just teaching the college material to the student in the lecture hall.

What if you can capitalize your knowledge by putting it out in the market where college students around the world can learn from you. And if you're a college student this can be a great resource to learn the specific and personalized course sets you're taking in your curriculum. It is a platform for the students and by the students.

When discussing with Eric Patel about creating Edullo, we went over how he had to find software developers and how he needed to fill the website with content. It's a service that acts as a middle man to bring in both the students and the teachers into one market place.

Because Eric Patel is also a content creator on Tik Tok with over 270K followers, he is able to drive this traffic to Edullo. Providing as much valuable content that college students want to hear on Tik Tok has been a very marketable approach for Edulllo to get new users.

If you want to check out Eric Patel, you can find him here:

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