Previous Episode: An Episode Of Lists

Monsuta and Bella dive deeper into their personal experiences with guilt and shame as well as how each emotion affects their ability to operate within relationships and with life, in general. Guilt is one of the difficult emotions to feel and to process in any relationship so we really dissect this emotion in ways to understand how it works and how it is a guiding factor in life.
As promised in the episode, here are some links to help each of our polyam fam understand and accept guilt in order to help each of us learn this tricky feeling so we can guide it rather than have it guide us. As always, we sincerely hope our discussion and our vulnerability provides you the space to open up and to grow in beautiful ways. If this is how our episodes affect you, please share your growth with us if you'd like to shout to the world on how you've evolved into a more capable loving human being, we can keep you as anonymous as you'd like. You can send an email to [email protected]

FIRST - Our Shoutouts:
Slipknot and their song, SULFUR
Kara Lowentheil and her podcast, UNF*CK YOUR BRAIN
Learn more about F. Diane Barth L.C.S.W.
Bella mentioned the 18 Synonyms For Guilt, which you can find here

Feeling Guilty at #PsychCentral
5 Tips For Dealing With Guilt
Good Therapy's Take On Guilt
WebMD On Guilt
Psychology Today's Take On Guilt
As Well As Jeffry S. Nevid's Views
Yoga Journal's Views
Even catch F. Diane Barth's article on Psychology Today here

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As mentioned a moment ago, we welcome listener input, feel free to send us an email with your thoughts at [email protected]

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