Next Episode: A bump in the road

Hey everybody. This is Serena Hu, I'm your host for the Talk About Cancer podcast.

Cancer has had quite an impact on my life, meaning, three of my close family members have had to deal with five different types of cancer in the last decade. While I have been lucky enough to have not developed cancer myself yet, the experiences I have had as a caregiver and family member have profoundly changed the way I think about many things in life.

So I created this podcast to talk to others about their experiences with cancer because 1) I am genuinely curious about the wide-ranging perspectives and experiences there are, and 2) because I believe that telling and listening to stories helps us make sense of our experiences, and in turn, helps us heal over time.

The guests of this show candidly talk about their triumphs, heartbreaks, fears, and much much more. Like some of the guests have said to me, this is the podcast about things our doctors won’t tell us because as much as they are the experts in the diseases we must deal with, we are the experts on what it’s like to live with cancer. And my hope is that the stories of this podcast can help us all better navigate the hard conversation and relationship challenges that will inevitably come up.

P.S. If you are just finding this show for the first time, I suggest you start by listening to the most recent episodes. And if you find that you enjoy the show, you can support it by subscribing, sharing with others, and leaving a rating or review.

Find me on Instagram or email me at [email protected].