In this episode, we delve into the remarkable journey of Yatin Mistry, a proud, gay, British Indian whose story of self-discovery and acceptance shines a light on the complexities of identity and the power of resilience. Growing Up in Essex: Yatin recounts his upbringing in 1980s Essex, where racism was pervasive and societal norms pressured him to conform to a whitewashed ideal. He internalised this racism, feeling ashamed of his own identity and striving to fit into a mold that didn't truly represent him. A Shift in Perspective: At age 14, Yatin's worldview shifted when he learned about colonialism and the atrocities committed against his ancestors. This sparked a journey of anger and introspection as he grappled with his dual identity as a British Indian. A Quest for Meaning: Yatin's comfortable life in London took a dramatic turn when he was confronted with the injustice of famine in Africa. Motivated to make a difference, he left his job and embarked on a journey to India to work with children in the slums. Discovering Dual Identity: In India, Yatin found himself immersed in the richness of his cultural heritage, challenging his preconceived notions of identity. He confronted internalised homophobia and came to accept his sexuality as a natural part of who he is. Navigating Family Dynamics: Yatin's journey to self-acceptance was not without its challenges, particularly within his family. Despite initial resistance, he found support and understanding from his brother, while facing more complicated reactions from his parents. Empowering Others: Today, Yatin is happily married and dedicated to helping others on their own journeys of self-discovery. He emphasises the importance of patience and understanding in allowing others to come to terms with identities that may challenge societal norms. Conclusion: Yatin's story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding us that embracing our true selves not only liberates us but also empowers others to do the same. As he aptly puts it, "when you let your light shine, you give others permission to do the same." Resources:   Website: Social Media: