Hannah Cox was a little bit of a naughty kid growing up. Her parents split up when she was in primary school and money was never easy to come by in her family.    “ I went to a restaurant for the first time when I was 13 years old, we didn’t have two pence to rub together basically”   Hannah knew that the way for her to get anywhere in life was to, work harder to get the things she wanted and that is exactly what she did. However at the age of 17 she was diagnosed with cancer. The cancer was a big wake up call, but also because of her youthful age, she took it in her stride relatively well.   Through a series of events, Hannah was able to become a scuba diving instructor in the Tioman Islands which was another opportunity that opened her eyes to a whole new world.    Hannah then returned to the UK and started working in the music industry working with global brands such as Universal and Sony helping to support their artists at festivals and large events.   On February 14th 2011 Hannah moved up to Manchester and less than a month later found out her dad was sick with cancer and within a matter of months he had passed away. With so much stress and difficulties Hannah had to get away and went to Malaysia for 8 months coming to the realisation that people travel for two reasons   They are trying to discover something new They are running away from their problems.   Hannah was definitely running away from things.   Hannah is now the founder of , an idea that was originally a blog to encourage herself to never settle, but it has now evolved into a platform that helps businesses be more sustainable and create a more meaningful impact within the world that we live in. Hannah has just launched the and things have been really exciting.    Brace yourself for a journey of overcoming £20,000 of debt, overcoming cancer twice and so much more.   “ I definitely come from a place that, if you don’t try, then you don’t know. You should try and be your own inspiration.”   Resources: