🎉 PODCAST Re - release 🎉 🎙️ Dive into the incredible journey of Louise Johnstone, a Dundee-based personal trainer and endurance athlete. Her story is one of resilience, determination, and inspiring transformation.  🌟 Highlights: A Childhood Rediscovered: "I feel more like a child now, than I ever did as a child." Louise's unique perspective sets the tone for her incredible journey. Navigating the Darkness: Diagnosed with depression at 15, Louise shares her path to self-discovery and acceptance. Overcoming Self-Harm: Discover how Louise conquered self-harm and found support when she needed it most. Running for a Cause: Learn about her inspiring races, like the Marathon des Sables, and how she's raised thousands for mental health. Run North Sea 2021 Challenge: Louise's latest feat – a 3,455.5-mile run in 100 days, raising awareness for mental health. 🚀 Louise's journey is a testament to resilience and personal growth. Her story will inspire you to take risks and make a positive impact.