Welcome back Hannah Cox from the Better Business Network for her second episode on Tales to Inspire. Listen to or read about Hannah’s first episode here. Episode Highlights: Early Passion for Sustainability: Hannah’s eco-conscious journey began in childhood, fundraising for animal rights and continued through university. Transformative Experience: A trip to Bhutan deepened her commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Business Sustainability: Hannah explains that true sustainability goes beyond environmental concerns, encompassing employee well-being and societal impact. Misconceptions Addressed: Sustainability is not just a checklist; it must be integrated into the core of a business. It's about more than just environmental efforts. Critique of Capitalism: Highlights the flaws in assuming infinite growth on a finite planet and points out significant issues like food waste and air pollution. Better Not Stop: Inspired by a conversation with her dying father, Hannah started her business in a spare room and grew it through the kickstart scheme. B Corp Certification: Helps companies achieve this rigorous certification, ensuring they operate for the benefit of all stakeholders. Better Business Network: Originated from an accountability group, now a nationwide community driving significant change in sustainability. Join Us: Help fix the broken system. The Better Business Network offers support for businesses focused on social and environmental impact. Together, we can make a difference.  https://betternotstop.com/