Join us for an enlightening bite size episode on sustainability and design as we delve into the fascinating world of eco-conscious innovation with Bea Thackeray, a passionate advocate for sustainable practices and purpose-driven design. Why Sustainability Matters: Bea shares her personal journey and deep-rooted commitment to sustainability. For her, it's not just about her background; it's a profound sense of responsibility towards the products we create and their impact on the planet. From the materials we use to the end-of-life disposal, Bea emphasises the importance of mindful design and resource utilisation. Embracing Change: With governments increasingly banning single-use plastics and a growing public consciousness, Bea sees a shifting tide towards sustainability. She highlights the need for a mindset change, advocating for products that are not only durable but also repairable—a stark contrast to our throwaway culture. The Quest for Purpose: As a designer, Bea constantly seeks opportunities to innovate and improve. She believes in the power of design thinking to address complex challenges and drive positive change. From problem-solving in design training to fostering collaboration within the industry, Bea explores the role of micro-businesses and individuals in driving sustainable solutions. Building Collaborative Communities: Bea underscores the importance of collaboration and partnership in advancing sustainability goals. She argues that micro-businesses have a unique advantage in adapting and experimenting with new ideas, paving the way for innovative solutions and meaningful impact. Towards a Sustainable Future: In closing, Bea encourages us to embrace optimism and seize the opportunity for change. By aligning our values and purpose, she believes we can collectively build a better, more sustainable future for generations to come. Resources: Keep this Cracker: Better Business Network: