Introduction to Adam Bastock:  Adam Bastock has made sustainability a core part of his life and work. He believes that sustainability is not just about being ethical or environmentally friendly, but also about ensuring financial stability for small businesses. His mission is to help businesses not just survive, but thrive for the next 5, 10, or 15 years by addressing immediate pressures and setting up long-term strategies for sustainable growth. Early Life and Entrepreneurial Beginnings:  Growing up in Rugby, a quiet town in the Midlands, Adam’s upbringing was stable and laid a solid foundation for his future endeavors. He has two older sisters who provided a window into adulthood. Unlike them, Adam chose a different path, pursuing a flexible Open University degree while working part-time at Sainsbury’s. His entrepreneurial spirit emerged in his late teens when he launched an Etsy store selling handmade cufflinks and laser-cut jewelry. Moving to Brighton and Professional Growth:  In 2010, Adam moved to Brighton to be with his boyfriend. The vibrant and diverse community there broadened his horizons. In 2014, he took a leap of faith by quitting his job at Sainsbury’s to work for a small business in Brighton, where he gained invaluable experience in web development and e-commerce. Building Expertise in Digital Marketing:  Adam’s journey continued with roles at an industrial shelving company and an art gallery, where he honed his skills in Google advertising, SEO, and e-commerce platforms. By the time he went freelance, Adam had a comprehensive skill set to offer small businesses practical, actionable advice in digital marketing. Networking and Community Engagement:  Networking played a crucial role in Adam's freelance success. Active co-working spaces in Brighton provided ample opportunities to connect with potential clients. One of his biggest clients resulted from a casual conversation over coffee. Advocating for Sustainability:  Adam’s passion for sustainability extends beyond business. He emphasises the interconnectedness of our actions and their environmental impact. He highlights the often-overlooked origins of everyday products and stresses the importance of making informed, eco-friendly choices.   Conclusion and Vision for the Future: Adam’s journey towards sustainability is ongoing and multifaceted. He aims to inspire others to see the value of sustainable practices, emphasising that sustainability is not just an environmental necessity but a viable and profitable business strategy. Together, we can create a sustainable future that benefits everyone. Join us in this insightful episode as Adam Bastock shares his story, experiences, and vision for a sustainable future. Don’t miss it! Resources: