TYPP is thrilled to have Clinical Psychologist, Billy Somerville, on the show. Billy and John cover a lot in the episode. Among other things, they have a venting session about the current state of our mental health system. Billy also explains the non-hierarchical worker-cooperative made up of social workers, a psychologist, and an administrator that he helped pioneer. His group is one of the first in the country to have this type of worker-run business model in the mental health space. Mental health professionals all over the country are now trying to emulate it. This is fascinating talk. Please enjoy it and spread the word! Learn more about Billy Somerville and the Alliance Collective: alliancecollective.coop. Support John on Patreon: patreon.com/jfod. Watch John's stand up special: youtu.be/OKptLDt6xKo. Join John's newsletter: jfodnews.com.