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“Learn to harness the power of intention and you can create anything you desire” This quote is by Deepak Chopra and is a perfect little introduction to today’s episode. We are continuing on our path to dig into this awesome little book titled is The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success by Deepak Chopra. Today, we dig into the fifth spiritual law of success, which is the Law of Intention and Desire. Let’s start by reading a passage from Deepak Chopra’s book “The Seven Laws Of Spiritual Success”. He says, and I quote: "One-pointed intention is that quality of attention that is unbending in its fixity of purpose. One-pointed intention means holding your attention to the intended outcome with such unbending purpose that you absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate the focused quality of your attention. There is a total and complete exclusion of all obstacles from your consciousness. You are able to maintain an unshakable serenity while being committed to your goal with intense passion. This is the power of detached awareness and one-pointed, focused intention simultaneously." This is a brilliant differentiation between desire and intent. Your intent does not have any attachment, but your desire does. It is important to work on your ability to harness the power of pure intention, which is totally detached of the outcomes of your actions. We talked about this concept before: you need to put your full attention on the process, not on the outcomes. You have probably felt it before, that sensation of losing track of time because you are fully immersed in the process, in the deep work. The opposite is true also when you had nothing done because you were too focused on the outcome that the process suffered. Let's take out our journals now. Where in your life are you too focused on your desires, on the outcomes, and not enough on the process? Are you more focused on the Ferrari you want to buy once you succeed than on the actual work to get you there? Or maybe the opposite? Are you too scared to fail, on the negative outcome that is, that you are procrastinating a process? In can be in any area of your life. Write it down, and make a plan so that you focus on the intent and not on the desire. Read? Set? Write. EMPOWERING AFFIRMATIONS OF THE DAY * Where intention flows, energy goes * I commit my one-pointed focus to my intentions * I love the process because I live with passion * Whatever the outcomes, I commit my focus to solving problems, transforming obstacles into opportunities, and continue on the path towards my dreams #success #spirituality #RaphaelReiter

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