Keep in touch via my email list: or on my social media (links below)

As some of you might know, the Transcendental Meditation organization has decided to try and shut down all of my channels. Although I cannot legally go into all the details, they are saying that I am not allowed to use the words Transcendence or anything that might resemble these words, in any kind of context, not just meditation.

This is of course absurd and beyond my understanding. I am not a lawyer, but a meditation guide, and spiritual teacher/life/consciousness coach. I cannot afford to go into legal action with such an organization... it is possible that I have to shut everything down.

My commitment to all of you and to provide free guided meditations that help you in your lives remain unchained. I will continue to work hard to provide you with the best content possible.

It is very possible that I have to create a new channel. To keep in touch before this channel gets shut down (I have no idea when nor how) please sign up to my newsletter, on my website:

I also have instagram: and on TWITTER:

This is not a goodbye! but maybe it will have to be a new beginning. I am not sure what will happen with the meditation challenge as it has the words transcendence in the actual videos, and that I have already posted all 100 videos... so we will have to see.

I do apologize for this.

LOVE + Hugs, Raphael

PS: I have been told to make a crowdfunding to help, but i am not comfortable with this... you can donate on if you want, but i dont know when i will need to pay for legal fees, etc etc etc. LOVE

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