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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are stressed out from something that you cannot control? I know I have.

Does this worry sometimes go to an extreme, where you find yourself mumbling in your head?

Saying things such as I should have done this, or I could have done that. This video was scripted in the middle of a pandemic quarantine. It is normal to worry about things, but to what extent? What is the line, what is the limit? Is this stress productive or counterproductive? In today’s video, we are going to work on letting go of stress over things that we do not have control of.

The person that will help us here, is our stoic philosopher friend, Epictetus, from his book the Enchiridion. He is going to teach us how to let go of what we cannot control, creating space in our minds and peace in our hearts. But not only that, we will find out what is actually worth worrying about, and how to handle stress.

But before, let’s start with today’s summary:

1. Theory and Action: we will be reading a passage from Epictetus’s Enchiridion, a pioneer of stoic philosophy, born a slave in 55 AD. What a guy. Every passage of his books is quotable. We will then do some exercises on how to handle stress and worry, according to his wisdom

2. Journaling: We will be journaling on what we have learned here with some cool exercises to make sure that this wisdom sinks in your everyday lives

3. I will be guiding you through visualization as a practical demonstration of how to apply what we are learning today

4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day

5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.


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