“People tend to underestimate both how long they'll live and how long they'll spend in retirement. That's something that we really need to be realistic about.” - Heather Schreiber


Have you ever wondered how the labyrinth of Social Security intricacies might be uniquely affecting your retirement plan? Our hosts Stephanie McCullough and Kevin Gaines sit down with Heather Schreiber, a Social Security sage, to dissect the complex world of retirement planning for women. In this episode, the spotlight is on the hidden challenges women face due to career pauses, and how these disruptions can significantly alter the course of their Social Security benefits. They’re not just discussing the issues but also providing the guidance needed to traverse these rocky terrains with confidence.


Navigating the bends and turns of the Social Security benefits calculation can feel like a daunting task. However, armed with knowledge such as how the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) works, and understanding the bend point formula, women can better position themselves for retirement. Heather explains how the PIA is influenced by a full 35-year earnings record and how earnings-related reductions can be avoided. Whether you're considering working past retirement age or have already begun receiving benefits, this conversation is packed with insights on how to bolster your retirement income.


But wait, there’s more! Our hosts along with Heather go beyond the basics and enter the realm of survivor and spousal benefits, an area where strategic planning can make a substantial difference. They unravel how the decisions of the higher-earning spouse can have far-reaching effects on survivors and discuss the nuances between survivor and spousal benefits. All of this critical information and more in this episode of Take Back Retirement, brought to you by Sofia Financial and American Financial Management Group.



Key Topics:

Kevin’s Dream Has Come True…Welcome, Dream Guest Heather Schreiber - Social Security Expert (01:06) Heather’s Passion for Consumer Advocacy and Reliable Guidance (03:37) Women’s Retirement Challenges and Planning Strategies (05:43) Social Security Benefits and Earning Limits for Widows/Widowers (09:47) Social Security Claiming Strategies (18:43) Social Security Spousal Benefits and Filing Strategies (24:00) Social Security Divorce Rules (26:55) Social Security Cost of Living Adjustments (33:19) Retirement Planning and Taxes (35:00) Social Security Claiming Strategies for Singles (40:40) Stephanie and Kevin’s Wrap-Up (47:58)




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You can find the transcript and more information about this episode at www.takebackretirement.com.


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