What does an 18 and 40+ year old woman have in common? 

In this episode, Nicole has a vibrant conversation with Chalita Natakuatong as they discuss the relationship landscape and interconnected needs between older and younger women. 

They are bridging the generation gap and giving insight into their inter-generational connection and what other women can do to take inventory in their own lives. 

Whether you have a daughter, niece, mentor or just want to raise your awareness to improve your relationships with the young women around you. This epsiode will provide you 10 things to think about from 2 different perspecitves. 

About Chalita:

Chalita is an 18-year-old professional fashion model who strives to be a light in the industry and beyond. As a trailblazer she travels across the US and internationally to represent some of the biggest brands. She is currently studying marketing with a concentration in social media.

Instagram @chalitanata