The Sustainable Dish Podcast is BACK!   I've been hard at work with book and film edits and the podcast has been a bit silent lately.   Until now! In this new episode, I introduce my co-host, Lauren Stine, discuss why I chose to make Sacred Cow, and share my favorite parts of this film-making journey. We have an exciting lineup of future guests, so be sure to subscribe to your favorite podcast streaming platform to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest.   This isn't the first time we've heard from Lauren. In my first interview, we discuss how one of her goats was stolen from her farm by vegan activists. Be sure to give it a listen for further context on Lauren's background.   In this show, we talk about my introduction into film with the short documentary, Soft Slaughter, and my hopes and takeaways from my experience making Sacred Cow.   Lauren highlights her favorite blog post, Books for Meat-Curious Kids, and how we need more resources for children and young people to learn about better meat.   Lastly, we discuss our lineup of future guests, how you can submit requests, and stay up-to-date by signing up for my weekly newsletter.   As always, thanks for listening!