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286 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 120 ratings

A funny podcast about the environment, sustainability, and all the total guff people talk in the name of saving the planet.

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#225: A History of Motion

September 26, 2021 20:51 - 52 minutes - 70.8 MB

Four wheels good, two legs bad. For a hundred years, the gas-guzzling car has been king. But its days are numbered - no-one seriously disputes that - and what comes next will determine the scale of biospheric butchery in the post. But what if The Car 2.0 turns out not to be flying cars, autonomous cars, or Richard Branson Cars, but instead a happy mishmash of whizzy things and old-fashioned things that you don't own? Y'know, bikes, e-bikes, scooters & hire cars all available at the swipe of ...

#224: Adaptation

August 22, 2021 18:56 - 54 minutes - 76.2 MB

Despite what Assorted Inhofes say, climate change is a) real b) here already c) going to get worse. We'd better get ready. So how come we're - er - not? We chat all things climate adaptation with the eminent Dr Morgan Phillips, director of The Glacier Trust and, even more pertinently, author of a righteous new book about the subject, Great Adaptations. We talk about why despite human resilience, Morgan thinks that without shunting adaptation properly up the policy wazoo it's going to be V...

#223: Katherine Trebeck meets Sustainababble

August 16, 2021 00:34 - 50 minutes - 74.7 MB

A 'wellbeing economy' sounds like the sort of economy that might not ruin everything, and in that sense we are very much behind it. But it also sounds like the sort of thing that we don't really know what it is. HOWEVER, this week's guest - writer, researcher, and advocate for economic system change Dr Katherine Trebeck - very much *does* know what it is, and is spearheading efforts to get Governments to actually prioritise wellbeing.We sit down with Katherine to find out where this all sits...

Rerun: #171: Mark Lynas meets Sustainababble

August 08, 2021 13:51 - 44 minutes - 40.5 MB

No Babble again this week due to a last minute production cock-up, so it's re-run time again. As the impacts of climate change are very much top of everyone's mind right now, we thought you might appreciate our chat about all things 'how buggered could the climate get anyway', with Mark Lynas (original broadcast: April 2020). Disclaimer: climate science moves fast, and there's dicussion in here about the potential for the gulf stream to slow down, which the news recently reported scientis...

#222: Fairness

August 02, 2021 01:29 - 41 minutes - 57.1 MB

Does it really matter how 'fair' the solutions to climate breakdown are? So long as we stop the worst of it, who cares whether a few people have their noses put out of joint, right? Or is that missing the point, as well as being a bit inhofe-y? Is it *only* possible to achieve the radical changes needed if those changes don't, for instance, make the poor poorer? The rather splended Environmental Justice Commission has been talking to people throughout the UK about all this and more, and its...

#221: Soil

July 25, 2021 21:10 - 48 minutes - 68.7 MB

The list of things that enable life on earth is a pretty short one: a dollop of sunshine, drizzle of water, and a soupçon of air. But for anything fun to happen on land, you're going to need a liberal smattering of soil, too. In fact that 30cm of topsoil is so fundamentally important that it gets a bit scary to think what would happen if it wasn't there. Unfortunately that's less of a thought experiment than it might sound - it's widely quoted that humanity has got only 60 years of decent ha...

Re-run: #115: Population

July 18, 2021 19:08 - 39 minutes - 35.8 MB

No Babble this week due to unavoidable life-getting-in-the-way reasons. We thought we'd give this one another airing as we've had a few requests recently for an episode about (over?)population. Look: we did one, back in 2018. Enjoy. More and more people on Earth = nailed-on environmental catastrophe. Yes? We talk to Alistair Currie from Population Matters to find out. Dashedly thorny issue, this. Isn't the real issue how much of a mess rich people are making of the planet, not how many poor...

#220: History of the Climate Crisis

July 11, 2021 23:24 - 51 minutes - 66 MB

It's more than 160 years since clever science people first worked out that digging up and burning long-dead bugs made Earth sizzly. So why are we still doing it? Why weren't the early warnings heeded? And was it inevitable that humanity would, at some point or other, combust its way into the current planetary pickle? These questions and zillions more are addressed in Dr Alice Bell's fabulous new book 'Our Biggest Experiment: A History of the Climate Crisis'. Alice joins us for a natter about...


July 04, 2021 21:23 - 46 minutes - 55.7 MB

A wise person once said that when it comes to buggering up the planet, prison is an underused deterrent. And just why should it be OK to be an Earth-nausing Inhofe with impunity? NO WE AGREE WITH YOU, IT SHOULD NOT. Enter a fearsome bunch of lawyers and campaigners that have been steadily building momentum behind getting 'ecocide' - deliberately harming the environment - adopted as an international crime. And if that's one of those ideas that makes you go 'wow yes, that seems very sensible...

#218: Dams

June 27, 2021 22:44 - 54 minutes - 64.8 MB

Amster-, E-, Jean-Claude Van-. All splendid dams in their own right, but topics for another time. THIS week we set our babble sights on the massive concrete walls wot stall rivers so we can power our trouser presses. On the face of it, hydroelectric dams seem sensible: produce loads of reliable 'leccy from thing that isn't fossil fuels. But the problem about the faces of things is that they often distract from the armpits of things. And, as we discover, dams get awful armpitty when you look ...

#217: Shell Gets A Kicking

June 20, 2021 23:16 - 42 minutes - 51.6 MB

Grand narratives of history are woven around pivotal moments, and it's just possible that when the history of this period is written, 26 May 2021 will be one of them. A little under a month ago, Royal Dutch Shell got told in no uncertain terms by a Dutch court to stop Royally Ducking up the Planet. Specifically, it got what in legal parlance is known as a hiding. The oil giant stood accused of endangering the rights to life and to family life by its actions, i.e. by continuing to drill for ...

#216: Amazon

June 13, 2021 22:39 - 58 minutes - 78.4 MB

It's the most successful website in the world, but many of us feel icky about using it. Is Amazon terrible for the planet or is it just, y'know, big? And if it is bad, is it any worse than thousands of little shops selling crap we don't need? Amazon's climate pledges and earnest sustainability marketing notwithstanding, we put our "we don't trust Jeff Bezos as far as we can propel him moon-wards" cards on the table... and then immediately get confused, given we're both customers. Sustainaba...

#215: Tim Jackson Meets Sustainababble

June 06, 2021 21:44 - 55 minutes - 71.8 MB

Boris "Gordon Gekko" Johnson aside, no-one likes greed. But growth - mmmmm, warm, cuddly, economic growth - well, that's another matter. Lesson one in MP school is that our collective prosperity increases as the economy swells. More GDP = more hospitals and schools. It's one of the few things upon which mainstream political parties everywhere agree: growth is unquestionably good. Which makes the life-work of this week's guest, the absurdly big-brained Professor Tim Jackson, all the more not...

#214: Bitcoin

May 30, 2021 21:01 - 52 minutes - 67.4 MB

Pity our tiny little brains. For some reason that escapes us now we thought it would be jolly interesting and not at all SODDING BEWILDERING to attempt to understand Bitcoin. That sobbing noise you can hear? That's us. Why? Well it may *look* like a harmless bunch of nerds sending each other made up money over the Internet, but it's also playing a not inconsiderable role in knackering the planet. With 1% of the world's electricity - and rising - being spaffed on cryptocurrencies, we thought...

#213: Artificial Lawns

May 24, 2021 00:11 - 52 minutes - 67.1 MB

Pulp, the greatest band of all time, once sang that grass is "something you smoke". Perhaps that was true in 1995, but in the cool light of 2021 we sure as hell wouldn't advise smoking what's appearing in a depressing number of British back gardens. For fake grass is all the rage, despite it being FAKE SODDING GRASS. So this week, sounding like the pair of old codgers they are, Dave and Ol get all worked up and confused about a thing other people apparently like but is very obviously abomina...

#212: Chips

May 16, 2021 23:03 - 52 minutes - 92.8 MB

Remember the past? A simpler time. A time before doxing and pile-ons and Katie Hopkins. A time when wholesome telly presenters on wholesome telly programmes told us that in the future we'd all be running our cars on chip fat and everything would be fine. Well we're in that future and EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE, PHILIPPA FORRESTER. Chip fat in cars is now a thing.* So much so that Yerp insist a certain percentage of motor fuel is chip fat. Which would be super (and previously supper) if it didn'...

#211: What’s The Point?

April 12, 2021 00:42 - 47 minutes - 70 MB

Jo, a babble listener from Letchworth in the UK, sent in a question that kinda stumped us. What the hell, she asked, does one say to people who can't see the point in doing anything for the planet? Sweary and shouty retorts aside, the answer isn't immediately obvious. So we asked you, the wise, generous-hearted, and magnanimous babble army what *you* would say. And you didn't let us down. So, herewith a rather splendid and dangerously uplifting 47 mins of "What's the point?! I'll TELL you w...

#210: Easter Eggs

April 04, 2021 07:38 - 48 minutes - 71 MB

Alleluia! One of the great plot twists - perhaps only rivalled by Harold Bishop returning to Neighbours with amnesia (look it up) - is celebrated the world over today by people smashing umpteen chocolate eggs down their gullets. We briefly consider the obvious question (what the hell have chocolate eggs got to do with Jesus?) before moving onto safer territory to explore what looks like - but turns out not to be - a nailed-on babblefest of ludicrous luxury eco eggs and supermarket packaging ...

#209: North Sea

March 28, 2021 23:56 - 49 minutes - 74.1 MB

Push is beginning to come to shove, climate action-wise, particularly when politicians ponder the fat piles of cash made doing things that are Very Bad Indeed for mother Earth. Here in Britain, peak pondering occurs re the North Sea, a large grey puddle used by continental Europe to buffer itself against certain Tories, and also home to vast reserves of crude oil. Crude oil (and just as crude gas) that for decades has buttressed the UK economy, but will for millennia buttress a ballsed-up bi...

#208: Policing

March 22, 2021 01:16 - 47 minutes - 66.8 MB

The UK Government sometimes surpasses even itself. The 'Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill' is a new bit of legislation so universally hated that even Brexiteers and Remainers are united in its opposition.At its heart is a transparent attempt to outlaw all protest beyond a tut and a roll of the eyes, following highly inconvenient Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter demos in recent years. Not content at stopping there though, the Bill also takes aim at Gypsy and Roma communities...

#207: Eco-Parenting

March 14, 2021 17:06 - 44 minutes - 65.1 MB

Cos capitalism, cos inhofes, cos LIFE, it's all but impossible to be the planet's BFF most of the time. Having kids arguably makes that task even harder. BUT, despite the onslaught of baby marketing, and despite grandparents-to-be going all in for conspicuous consumption, there are loads of practical things parents - new ones, not very new ones, and expectant ones - can do to lessen kids' impact on poor ol' Mother Earth.* It is Mothers' Day, after all. To hear how it's done, we're joined by...

#206: Jobs

March 07, 2021 21:58 - 47 minutes - 71.2 MB

Saving the planet isn't really about the planet at all, it's about people. People who, for instance, currently have jobs in industries that aren't compatible with a 1.5 degree world. Or people who don't have jobs at all but need them. Which is why green campaigners are desperate for governments to invest in green jobs. These are jobs that will do some of the things that urgently need doing to curb emissions, but also jobs that do what jobs are supposed to do - give people meaningful employme...

#205: Wikipedia

March 01, 2021 00:45 - 48 minutes - 66 MB

"Where'd ya read that then, Wikipedia?!?@!" used to be the refrain of bell-ends everywhere who couldn't be bothered to engage with an argument. But like most insults, it carried a grain of truth because the internet's crowdsourced encyclopaedia was, well, ropey.Not any more. In fact, in a world eating itself alive with fake news and misinformation, Wikipedia is one of the few shining lights of humans doing Admirable Things online in the name of public interest. Not least on climate change, wh...

#204: The Daily Express

February 21, 2021 20:44 - 54 minutes - 80.2 MB

It's awful confusing when those who've spent decades saying climate change is a hoax suddenly ask us to join their 'Green Revolution', but that's what's happened at one of the UK's least reputable tabloids, the Daily Express. More famous for its obsession with the Royals, the weather, Brexit, and unsubstantiated 'miracle' health breakthroughs, the paper appears to have had a damascene conversion and now touts its 'Green Britain' campaign loudly from the front page. So. Many. Questions. Not ...

#203: Bottom Trawling

February 15, 2021 01:48 - 46 minutes - 58.1 MB

Stop it. STOP IT! This is a terribly Serious and Important thing, all to do with industrial fishing and delicate marine ecosystems and we could do without any sniggering at the back. Or the bottom. So then, fishing. A political lightning rod of an industry, but an absolute minnow, economically speaking. Largely out of sight and unknown, modern industrial practices make an 'orrible mess of the ocean floor as super-trawlers dredge, scrape and otherwise embugger delicate aquatic ecology. Which...

From the archive: #155: Beavers meet Sustainababble

February 07, 2021 17:00 - 45 minutes - 42 MB

Eek! There's no Babble this week because Covid-19 has come to Babble Towers (Ol: he's OK, don't worry). So by popular request, here's one of our favourite earlier episodes to tide you over. In this special episode, Dave and Ol leave stinky London behind and head off to rainy, muddy Cornwall to meet some actual beavers. Without wellies.  It’s been 400 years since the humble but sodding impressive beaver was wiped out in the UK due to having nice-smelling undercarriages. Now, a handful of re...

#202: The Trembling Warrior

January 31, 2021 20:58 - 55 minutes - 78.9 MB

Many of us are reluctant activists, perhaps so reluctant we barely consider ourselves 'activist' at all. So how do we become less reluctant? How can we expand our comfort zone so trying to save the planet doesn't seem so freakin' terrifying? The answer is almost certainly in a new book, The Trembling Warrior,by author and coach Gill Coombs, who's written what she says is a 'guide for reluctant activists'. Gill natters to us about finding one's true voice; why some people (*ahem* Ol *ahem*) ...

#201: British S**t for British People

January 24, 2021 23:10 - 42 minutes - 68.5 MB

Where once this small island in the mid-atlantic was famous for exporting cricket, heavy industry, global oppression and the rule of law, we're now known for the contents of our bins. For, despite a promise by Boris Johnson (we know, we know) that the UK would stop sending our crap abroad, it turns out we're still doing just that. This barefaced porkie has provoked a child to start a petition, now signed by hundreds of thousands of irked humans. So this week we jump aboard the irk express an...

#200: America, WTF

January 17, 2021 23:27 - 45 minutes - 72.8 MB

The last few weeks stateside make earlier Trumpgasms appear almost normal by comparison. Armed insurrection, an attempted coup, social media bans, a manatee having 'TRUMP' carved into its back. Srsly. Perhaps worst of all, though, is the uneasy feeling that Americans may be at the beginning of a very unpleasant period in their history, not the culmination of it. Still, the bellicose bell-end IS on his way out, to be replaced by someone who would like to stop the planet frying. Woop and yay!...

#199: Is it really green?

January 10, 2021 21:38 - 46 minutes - 66.6 MB

Among today's intractable divisions, few are more bitter, more incendiary than that between the washing-up-by-hand loyalists and the using-the-dishwasher hardliners. So which *is* better for the planet? And while we're at it, what about vegan leather vs real leather, or soy bean tears compared to almond sweat? Thankfully for prospects of world peace, Georgina Wilson-Powell has written a thoroughly well researched book - 'Is It Really Green? Everyday Eco Dilemmas Answered' - that resolves t...

#198: Hugo Tagholm meets Sustainababble

January 03, 2021 22:18 - 42 minutes - 58.8 MB

Ever wound up in the ocean with human faeces on your head, or a used sanitary product bobbing by? Us neither, thankfully, but many UK surfers have, which is why a bunch of them campaign for cleaner seas with Surfers Against Sewage, a national marine conservation charity headed up by Hugo Tagholm. For this opening episode of 2021, Hugo joins us to explain why Dave should try surfing (he really shouldn't, ed.), why lobbying MPs in wetsuits is effective, and to shed light on the, well, shitty p...

#197: SustainaBAUBLE 2020

December 20, 2020 22:13 - 55 minutes - 82.5 MB

Well here we are, a festive season distinctly lacking in bantz. BUT THAT'S WHAT YER BABBLE IS FOR! So strap in for an unashamedly lol-centric and straw-clutchingly positive look back at 2020.As we learned in Sustainabaubles 1-5, there are few things more Christmassy than a shameless Coca-Cola ad. So we dig out their 2020 Christmas offering, in which - astonishingly - not a single piece of their whale rectum-clogging plastic is featured. Though given what a miscreant known to this podcast rece...

#197: SustainaBAUBLE

December 20, 2020 22:13 - 55 minutes - 82.5 MB

Well here we are, a festive season distinctly lacking in bantz. BUT THAT'S WHAT YER BABBLE IS FOR! So strap in for an unashamedly lol-centric and straw-clutchingly positive look back at 2020.As we learned in Sustainabaubles 1-5, there are few things more Christmassy than a shameless Coca-Cola ad. So we dig out their 2020 Christmas offering, in which - astonishingly - not a single piece of their whale rectum-clogging plastic is featured. Though given what a miscreant known to this podcast rece...

#196: Juliet Davenport meets Sustainababble

December 13, 2020 23:10 - 46 minutes - 67.5 MB

These days energy companies fall over themselves to tell us how good for the planet they are, with varying degrees of chutzpah. When it comes to actual goodness though, Good Energy is unquestionably, well, good: buy leccy from them and you can be confident it comes from the sun or the wind or Jeremy Clarkson's backside, no funny business. More to the point, your money will directly lead to *more* wind and solar power getting built, thereby negating the need for JC's derriere altogether. Juli...

#195: COP 26

December 06, 2020 23:47 - 49 minutes - 75.6 MB

Had 2020 been a bit less pandemic-y, we'd be celebrating / commiserating the conclusion of another mahoosive climate shindig about now. A shindig in Glasgow no less, hosted by the UK Government. Deep-fried pizza canapés all round, etc. etc..Offensive cultural stereotypes aside, there's LOTS at stake at COP 26, not least countries announcing how they'll do the thing they all agreed was a good idea five long years ago in Paris, i.e. stop the planet burning.Good hosts that they are, Bojo and co ...

#194: Innovation

November 29, 2020 23:03 - 44 minutes - 61.7 MB

Luddites, us greenies. People think it's an insult to say we all want to go back to living in caves, but - lack of wifi aside - lots of biosphere-botherers wouldn't say no.But innovation - thinking up whizzy new stuff to fix shitty old problems - really *has* to be part of the weaponry for the ecologically-concerned, doesn't it? Cycle lanes can't fix all the planet's problems, after all.We speak to two exceptionally whizzy innovators - Ayca Dundar and Francis Field - who've invented a new mat...

#193: Hydrogen

November 23, 2020 01:45 - 52 minutes - 77 MB

Hydrogen - one of those words that prompts people in environment world to nod sagely before quickly steering the conversation onto safer territory. Because honestly, no-one really understands what it is, what it's for, or whether it's terrible or brilliant or somewhere in between.Which is unfortunate, because Boris 'World King' Johnson has just come over all hydrogen-y in his headline-grabbing 10 point plan for a 'Green Industrial Recovery'.Hmm, what to do? Listen to yer Babble, that's what! ...

#192: Democracy

November 15, 2020 21:31 - 45 minutes - 64.1 MB

The climate catastrophe isn't exactly hanging about, so do we really have time for fiddling around with democracy? Sure, giving people a say is nice, but what about when their say is, well, wrong? 70-million-people-voting-for-a-climate-denier wrong, for instance... We pose this connundrum to Becky Willis, Professor in Practice at Lancaster Environment Centre, and holder of a Fellowship in energy and climate governance. During our natter, Becky reveals herself to be luke-warm on the merits of...

#191: Donald Trump Schadenfreude Special

November 08, 2020 10:00 - 42 minutes - 65.3 MB

HE'S GONE! HE'S ACTUALLY GONE! THE TANGERINE TOSSPOT, THE BELLICOSE BELL-END, THE CLIMATE-DENYING CRACKPOT HAS ACTUALLY BEEN BOOTED OUT!Obviously he's not actually *gone* yet - presumably the next few months will be messy to say the least - but as of January next year Donald Trump will no longer be POTUS. Which is rather delicious.We celebrate by reminding ourselves of all the terrible, terrible things the Donald has done for the planet in the last four years, and by cracking open the single ...

#190: Juliet Gellatley meets Sustainababble

November 01, 2020 23:56 - 47 minutes - 65.1 MB

1 November is World Vegan Day, so what better time to meet the boss of vegan campaign group Viva!, the magnificent Juliet Gellatley.Juliet has been advocating veganism for decades. She's also been breaking into factory farms to film the horrific goings on there and share them with the world (though not the Guardian). We chat about some of the ridiculous questions Juliet's faced over the years (adding to the ouvre in the process, no doubt), why being vegan makes you good in bed, and whether D...

#189: Clocks Back

October 25, 2020 23:57 - 41 minutes - 60.8 MB

Winter is coming. You'd think we'd have been let off in 2020 of all years, but no. This most cyanide-y of bitter pills is sugared by an extra hour in bed this weekend (in Blighty at least) due to the clocks going back, which reminded us of an issue that periodically gets climate types all worked up: the fact that changing the clocks is, not to put too fine a point on it, batshit crazy.As in, why the HELL do we deliberately deny ourselves afternoon daylight and necessitate putting the lights o...

#188: Rewilding

October 18, 2020 23:42 - 47 minutes - 55.6 MB

Who fancies dodging a wolf on the way to work? Or perhaps a lynx barging through your catflap while pelicans pinch the fish in your pond?If rewilders get their way, these animals - all once common in Blighty - will be familiar sights once more.But rewilding isn't just about reintroducing showstopping species, even if Boris 'Beavers' Johnson recently got in on the act. As much as anything, it's giving the land a break and letting whatever wants to grow just... grow. All very lovely, but can ...

#187: What The Hell Has Been Happening?

October 11, 2020 22:00 - 45 minutes - 56 MB

We're back! And there's been a touch of news since we were last a-babblin'. Some of it actually not shit, too! So, this week Dave dons his Chris Tarrant mask to host the inaugral 'What The Hell Has Been Happening?' quiz. The only rule? Answers must not be gloomy. 2020 doesn't need any more gloomy Ol, after all. Topics include China's anti-inhofery, David Attenborough smashing capitalism, and confusing news about rice puddings and pumpkins. So strap in and enjoy a blitzkrieg of upbeat babbl...

REPLAY: #109: Neoliberalism, with Christine Berry

September 13, 2020 21:00 - 32 minutes - 29.8 MB

Continuing our tour of the Babble's favourite old episodes, here's one of the finest: so, this thing 'neoliberalism' that everyone gets very upset about - er, what is it again, exactly? 'Neoliberalism', then. What the hell is it? Is it wrecking the planet? Is it responsible for Ol's hair? And what's it all got to do with the price of bees? Strap yourself in as mega-brain Christine Berry explains all. With the patience of a saint, Christine takes Dave and Ol through the basics. Yes, it's a ...

REPLAY: #50: Steel

September 06, 2020 21:00 - 35 minutes - 32.5 MB

Back into the Babble archives we go, this time all the way back to 2016. Come for the chat about whether Ol and Dave think that building things is the devil: stay for the bants about radioactive pigs. Is it steel vs the planet? Is the ongoing the crisis in UK steel REALLY all the fault of us tree-huggers? And should - and could - the Government do more? We investigate. In other news, why are the UK & USA playing nuclear waste tennis? And why is that wild boar glowing in the dark? Sustaina...

REPLAY: #135: Asad Rehman meets Sustainababble

August 30, 2020 21:00 - 39 minutes - 36.4 MB

We're off on a break for a few weeks, so here's one of our most popular and important episodes from the ol' Babblevault. In 2019 we had a chat with Asad Rehman, one of the UK's leading justice and anti-racism campaigners, about Black Lives Matter and the failures of the environmental movement. Asad is, according to his twitter bio, a "general activist against all bad things". And then some. Currently the Executive Director of anti poverty charity War on Want, for 10 years Asad led Friends ...

REPLAY: #72: Wasps

August 23, 2020 21:00 - 31 minutes - 28.8 MB

To tide you over on our late summer break, here's one of our favourite episodes from the archives, about one of the very best things about summer: lovely, fuzzy, friendly l'il wasps. Climate change = more wasps. Is it  time we all stopped freaking out and started to love the little blighters? Plus, Microsoft Excel has a plan for the nation's newts - and clean coal oxymoronicism from our orange friend over the pond. Sustainababble is your weekly comedy podcast about politics, prattle and t...

#186: Talking Climate

August 17, 2020 00:32 - 39 minutes - 45.8 MB

It is just possible that yelling about wet-bulb temperature and the certain heat death of everything isn't as effective a climate communications strategy as some may think. So what is? Is there A Right Way to discuss ecological destruction? And can it really be true that conversations are opportunities to learn from each other, not just "win" someone round?We put all these questions and more to climate communications expert and friend of the babble Robin Webster, whose job as Senior Programme...

#185: Eco-anxiety

August 09, 2020 23:53 - 46 minutes - 59.4 MB

What if a problem even greater than climate change or ecological collapse is our sense of powerlessness in the face of these crises? Is it our inability to believe we can do anything about the planet frying that is, above anything else, stopping us collectively sorting this shit out?That's the hypothesis of Clover Hogan, climate activist, founder of Force of Nature, and researcher on eco-anxiety, who joins us to get under the skin of the psychological responses to planetary nausing.For younge...

#184: Robert Llewellyn meets Sustainababble

August 02, 2020 20:52 - 55 minutes - 65.9 MB

Kryten is on the Babble! SMEGGIN' HELL!Robert Llewellyn is an actor and comedian who since 1989 has played angular faced mechanoid Kryten in cult sci-fi classic Red Dwarf. But he's equally well known for presenting the legendary Scrapheap Challenge and, for the last ten years, phenomenally popular YouTube electric car review show Fully Charged. It's like Top Gear, but without bellends or CO2.Once Dave and Ol get over the fanboy thing, Robert talks to us about all things whizzy tech and clean ...


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