About Florida DeVaul-Dudley:

I am a victim of child sexual abuse and domestic violence (intimate partner violence). I personally now know the harsh reality of what it means to be a victim. I felt vulnerable that this thing had happened to me and I didn’t want it to show through to anyone. I didn’t want pity; I didn’t want them to think I was lesser. I tried once to ask for help and my voice was silenced at the age of seven and from that moment, I showed a strong exterior.

I started to experience PTSD, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and insomnia, and relied on unhealthy coping mechanisms. These experiences of the assaults impacted my ability to trust others, especially in the context of romantic and intimate relationships. I used to be a very trusting person, but that was taken away from me.

I survived both sexual assaults and domestic violence, through my resilience I harnessed my inner strength to help me bounce back from the trauma I endured. I am no longer a victim surviving, but I am thriving.

​It is my desire to help victims and survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence heal their minds, bodies, and spirits and reclaim their lives. In creating programs for victims and survivors, I know personally from experience that everyone heals differently. I choose a holistic approach that encompasses emotional, spiritual, physical and mental aspect of health and well being.

It is also my heartfelt desire to assist others to use their voice by refusing to be silent about the hidden trauma, suppressed memories and traumatic experiences they have endured. It all starts with a voice. Some have been silent so long; they do not believe or even know that they do indeed have a voice. The voice that was once silenced now speaks freely and openly from the deepest pain and hurt to healing, finding freedom and hope and peace.

Shining Light in Darkness is a beacon of hope for victims, survivors, and their loved ones. I persevered and overcame the evil that tried to engulf me. I hope I can inspire someone to take hold of their life, use their voice, and live their best life to the fullest not just by living but, by thriving. Through God’s grace and mercy, I can truthfully say there is happiness and joy on the other side of the trauma.  I am eternally grateful for a loving and supportive husband, children, parents, and those that have helped me through my journey.

On this episode, Florida discusses:

Processing childhood sexual abuse

The difficulty of reaching out to adults for help.

How a traumatic car accident brought back the memories of child abuse.

The origins of her non-profit.

The struggle of keeping faith in the face of trauma.

Healing and becoming whole.

Tweetable Quotes:

“Believe the victim."

Florida DeVaul-Dudley:

https://www.shininglightindarkness.org/our-founders (https://www.shininglightindarkness.org/our-founders)

https://www.facebook.com/shininglightindarkness/ (https://www.facebook.com/shininglightindarkness/)

https://www.instagram.com/shiningndarkness/ (https://www.instagram.com/shiningndarkness/)

https://www.linkedin.com/company/27170102/admin/ (https://www.linkedin.com/company/27170102/admin/)

https://twitter.com/a_shininglight (https://twitter.com/a_shininglight)


Surviving to Thriving is brought to you by Knight Protection Services. A veteran-owned and operated company, Knight Protection Services employs a diverse group of former law enforcement officers and military veterans of the highest integrity, with extensive experience in risk assessment and crime prevention. Find out more by visiting  https://knightprotectionllc.com/ (https://knightprotectionllc.com/) .

For More Information About Surviving To Thriving:  http://tothriving.org/ (http://tothriving.org/)

About Florida DeVaul-Dudley:

I am a victim of child sexual abuse and domestic violence (intimate partner violence). I personally now know the harsh reality of what it means to be a victim. I felt vulnerable that this thing had happened to me and I didn’t want it to show through to anyone. I didn’t want pity; I didn’t want them to think I was lesser. I tried once to ask for help and my voice was silenced at the age of seven and from that moment, I showed a strong exterior.

I started to experience PTSD, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and insomnia, and relied on unhealthy coping mechanisms. These experiences of the assaults impacted my ability to trust others, especially in the context of romantic and intimate relationships. I used to be a very trusting person, but that was taken away from me.

I survived both sexual assaults and domestic violence, through my resilience I harnessed my inner strength to help me bounce back from the trauma I endured. I am no longer a victim surviving, but I am thriving.

​It is my desire to help victims and survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence heal their minds, bodies, and spirits and reclaim their lives. In creating programs for victims and survivors, I know personally from experience that everyone heals differently. I choose a holistic approach that encompasses emotional, spiritual, physical and mental aspect of health and well being.

It is also my heartfelt desire to assist others to use their voice by refusing to be silent about the hidden trauma, suppressed memories and traumatic experiences they have endured. It all starts with a voice. Some have been silent so long; they do not believe or even know that they do indeed have a voice. The voice that was once silenced now speaks freely and openly from the deepest pain and hurt to healing, finding freedom and hope and peace.

Shining Light in Darkness is a beacon of hope for victims, survivors, and their loved ones. I persevered and overcame the evil that tried to engulf me. I hope I can inspire someone to take hold of their life, use their voice, and live their best life to the fullest not just by living but, by thriving. Through God’s grace and mercy, I can truthfully say there is happiness and joy on the other side of the trauma.  I am eternally grateful for a loving and supportive husband, children, parents, and those that have helped me through my journey.

On this episode, Florida discusses:

Processing childhood sexual abuseThe difficulty of reaching out to adults for help.How a traumatic car accident brought back the memories of child abuse.The origins of her non-profit.The struggle of keeping faith in the face of trauma.Healing and becoming whole.

Tweetable Quotes:

“Believe the victim."

Florida DeVaul-Dudley:



Surviving to Thriving is brought to you by Knight Protection Services. A veteran-owned and operated company, Knight Protection Services employs a diverse group of former law enforcement officers and military veterans of the highest integrity, with extensive experience in risk assessment and crime prevention. Find out more by visiting https://knightprotectionllc.com/.

For More Information About Surviving To Thriving: http://tothriving.org/

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