In this episode I spoke to Rob Pacey. Rob runs one of the most successful podcasts in Sport, the aptly named Pacey performance podcast, which focuses on strength and conditioning and training. He has curated close to 300 episodes since 2015 featuring some of the leading names in aspects of conditioning.

In this discussion I was curious to find out what inspired Rob to begin recording episodes, and how he took the plunge. What Rob didn’t have at the time was a reputation to lean upon, he just went for it, with an infectious spirit summed up in the phrase, “Well I could do that”, or at least I could try. That optimistic spirit shines through about wanting to network, create connections, learn from people and contributing. In a cluttered world of online content we can learn from Rob’s lessons of being consistent, showing up for people and ultimately creating something of value. While he didn’t have a reputation when he first started, he does now!

Show notes

Dreams of becoming a professional footballer

Realisations of having optimised his performance

The loss felt when ending the pursuit of becoming a professional

Importance of education as another outlet

Mini business charging for football training

Finding work as a ‘fitness guy’

Getting an opportunity because people trusted him

Transition to the commercial world working for Catapult

Benefitting from other podcasts and thinking, “I could do that!”

Leading me to the realisation that this would be a great networking opportunity

Becoming the podcast guy

The strongest guests are the ones who you can have a drink with and who can talk hard science

Developing buy-in is a critical theme

Creating a resource for people to add value

Getting the specifics out from guests, there’s a lot of assumed knowledge

What has Rob learned. Editing audio, social media material, but also anticipating and communicating what the audience want to hear – becoming in tune with the industry

Authenticity to who you are and aware of what you communicate on social media



Rob on Twitter

The Pacey Performance Podcast can be found here

Supporting Champions on Twitter

Steve Ingham on Twitter

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