We hope you and those close to your are safe and well.

In this episode I spoke to Stef Reid, three-time Paralympic medallist, World Champion long jumper. Stef is a remarkable lady irrespective of the fact that at 15 years old she lost her leg to the rotor blade of a motorboat. For she has amongst her sporting accomplishments, also been a semi-finalist in Masterchef UK, was the first Paralympian to model in Vogue magazine and is Vice president of UK Athletics. You may be wondering with the Para games moved on a year, if she is still going for it – well in this discussion we find out that it’s a yes.
We explore how she’s motivating herself during the lockdown and Stef, talks me through her horrific accident, her response, what helped her, who helped her, which wasn’t just her family but some tough loving health workers. We also talk about how she has made sense of her experience, emboldened her sense of self and to hear it was truly moving and uplifting.g.


Show notes

Delay to the Paralympics and the ramifications for athletes for a range of reasons

Stef’s coping mechanisms – ‘feel the feelings’

Adapting training due to COVID-19

Stef’s early sporting endeavour into rugby and ambitions to become a professional player

The accident

Processing the loss of the limb

The nurse that first challenged Stef and the thrill of having a poo!

Acceptance of the new Stef

The 2012 Paralympics changed everything

Bringing the whole package to sport


The decision that sport wasn’t for Stef

World championships 3 years later!

Positive distractions

You can’t be too focussed on athletics, athletics can’t be your sole identity



Not surprisingly Stef is a motivational speaker and if you’re thinking of someone to inspire your next event, take a look at http://www.stefreid.com/speaking

You can follow Stef on Twitter https://twitter.com/RunJumpStefReid


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