Another New Years Eve and another opportunity to set some goals and resolutions and get ourselves on the right track... But will it work this time??

This podcast is all about the way we eat. 

At this time of year it is common practice for many to set themselves a strict agenda for eating. People take up the diet fad sweeping the world to try and shift the Christmas bulge and get themselves feeling more vital again after the indulgence and perhaps toxicity that comes with celebrating the year that was and the engaging in the Christmas festivities.

However does this really work and is it sustainable? I think most would agree that the overwhelming anecdotal evidence would suggest it is highly infrequent (not impossible though!).

So to help people avoid doing something radical we decided to sit down and discuss what a healthy sustainable eating pattern (diet- although we don't like the word) might look like.

Everything is on the table in this philosophical and macro level conversation about our decisions around food. Everything from planning, sourcing it, preparing it, some basic ideas in portion sizing and what it should comprise of and even how we should incorporate it into our social and family interactions.

We hope you enjoy the chat.
