Sunday Basket® 2.0?

Congratulations! If you have been following along with my podcast episodes, you have gotten your Sunday Basket® all set up and are on week two of using it. But I bet you are still feeling a little overwhelmed.

The number one thing that makes you feel overwhelmed when starting to use the Sunday Basket® is that not everything fits into the first 5 pockets. I mean, where do you put your recipes, your business or small project paperwork?

The first 5 pockets that you set up are called Sunday Basket® 1.0 and these are for tasks you do every single week like paying your bills, updating your calendar, placing orders online, and so on.

These 5 pockets will save you time and will save your sanity, but the beauty of the Sunday Basket® is when you take it to Sunday Basket® 2.0 level.

What is Sunday Basket® 2.0?

I thought about how I use my Sunday Basket® and what works best for me, but it took me a while to figure out how to teach you to do the same thing. And the products I wanted to do this with didn't exist.

I had custom slash pockets created that are different than all others available on the market and different from those in Sunday Basket® 1.0. I even had the colors specifically designed for me… maybe you should be a little worried about me!

Try to visualize this... in Sunday Basket® 1.0, the 5 slash pocket colors cascade down the outside (red, orange, yellow, green, blue). But in Sunday Basket® 2.0, they are packs of each colored slash pocket. So the first 5 are all blue, then the next 5 are green, then pink, and then purple so you have 5 of each of the 4 colors.

Once I had these slash pockets to teach the Sunday Basket® 2.0 how I wanted to teach it, I realized that I not only manage my paperwork, but also prioritize and do my goal setting all in my Sunday Basket®. I never realized this until I really started thinking about it, breaking it down, and working out how I wanted to teach it to you.

Now, you don't have to use my slash pockets. You can buy regular ones and it will still work. But I will tell you that it is easier if you do use my slash pockets.

The Sunday Basket® 1.0 process corals all of your paperwork in one place and helps you to go through it on a regular basis and not miss bill payments and important paperwork.

The Sunday Basket® 2.0 and beyond corals all your papers... and all your hopes and dreams... into different slash pockets and then allows you to prioritize them.

What Do the Colors Mean For You?

The start of the Sunday Basket® 2.0 Workshop is getting you to think about what you want the colors to represent, what do you need them to be. You don't need to use all 20 pockets. And sometimes, you will naturally fill more of the pockets than at other times, depending on what is going on in your life.

We talk about what to put in each of the pockets. For me, I use blue for my family as it is a color representative of loyalty, green for money (it's the color of money, right?), purple for household stuff, and, saving the best for last, the pink one for you.

And this is where I focused for this week’s podcast episode, on the pink slash pocket. Because once you have a slash pocket just for you, you really start to think about yourself. We all have goals for ourselves, but let's be honest, if your husband, kids or work call, those personal goals don't take priority. Having this slash pocket has changed how I look at things. This is how my five pink pockets are labeled:


One of the things I've noticed as a woman is I buy my kids new clothes each season as they grow or they wear them out. It’s kind of fun and it's what my Mom did for me. But as soon as we get older, we stop buying clothes for ourselves. We only buy what we desperately need and cannot do without.

So I decided it was time to start buying clothes for me again. And I have a new style that I like so I actually have a slash pocket for my clothing. It's where I store my coupons, ideas of things I've seen, frilly shirts I want to buy, and the most recent edition of catalogs I like.


My husband has done all the cooking for the last 3 to 4 years, but I'm making a weekly recipe for a friend so it is a personal goal of mine to make a fun new recipe every week for my friend and my husband. So this is also one of my pink pockets.

Home Improvements

We have lived in our house now for 20 years. It's gorgeous and I love it. But I decorated it 20 years ago and it needs a little improving and updating. And since we are having a graduation party this year, what better excuse do I need to update things!

This is more about me expressing myself in my home rather than mechanically fixing things in our home (that I would put in the purple pocket).


This is the slash pocket that Greg would like to hide from me, but it's happening... I'm traveling. In this pocket, I put things like my passport renewal, TSA (Transport Security Administration) pre-check approval, which I've done, and yesterday I applied for a new credit card.

I also put in there my plans to go to a conference in March, the Organize 365 National Convention I'm organizing in Dallas in June, and a trip to Orlando with the team to plan this convention (a convention to plan a convention – I actually think this is a brilliant idea!).

I am also going to pick out a new suitcase and look at how to really pack that case so I am only taking a carry-on with me, something I will be sure to share with you on the Organize 365 podcast.


I'm no good at programs and diets. I just know I need to eat less and more often to maintain my weight so my goal is to walk 5,000 steps 2 to 3 days a week. I know this doesn't sound much like a "fitness" goal and more like a "not being a sloth goal," but it is all about you, what you want to do to move your life forward.

You can't do all of these things at once. They are not weekly tasks, but they are actionable in 2018 and provide good reminders of your goals.

Get your Complete Sunday Basket with On Demand Workshop here!