How often do you think about breathing? During the day, probably not very much, but you probably notice it when you are doing any kind of strenuous activity. However, we breathe all day long, and it is a vital function for our survival.

We follow training protocols to improve our strength and cardio capabilities. When we don't feel great, we look for natural remedies or medications to make us feel better. There are so many ways that we try to improve our health, yet when was the last time you purposely worked to improve the way you breathe?

Oxygen is important to the body, we all know that. Without it for a couple of minutes, we can lose brain function or even cause death. Oxygen helps to transport nutrients through the body, flushes out toxins, and creates energy.

The Wim Hof Method is a fantastic way to improve the way you breathe. Through these methods, you can retrain your body to better utilize oxygen and to strengthen the muscles needed to breathe efficiently.