It is no surprise that families have a hard time to create healthy routines for the entire family. With young kids running around (or even teenagers), parents who work full time, and having to actually "adult", it can be stressful to build a healthy family.

It can be very easy to throw in the towel on workouts and healthy eating, and resort to grabbing whatever is convenient and easy. You may think it is easier to give your child that extra snack so they don't cry instead of standing your ground and making them eat their veggies.

To give in to convenience and taking the easy route does not create a healthy family. Training kids to receive treats for doing "good" things ingrains a reward pathway in the brain where they incorporate happiness and pleasure with snacks. This doesn't mean kids shouldn't get treats from time to time, but we do want to make sure they enjoy real food instead of constantly falling for processed junk.