Julia Bugsby is a woman on a mission!

She is a fellow podcaster and fellow "sur-thrivor"!

I loooove her story of survival and thriving through domestic violence, suicide attempt, and PTSD!

She is also living proof that there is life after trauma, there is life after pain, and life after a serious suicide attempt.

Do me a favor and try to count how many times you hear the word trauma or PTSD in this episode.

I have told y'all time and time again, that trauma is at the crux of most suicides, I think this episode helps me with that a lot.

Join Julia and her listeners in subscribing to Finding Her, her podcast.

Are you experiencing life's challenges? Overwhelmed at work or family or life in general?

Are you having a hard time moving forward, or have a dream and vision that is somewhat hard to obtain?

Are circumstances standing in your way of achieving your goals or moving forward in your life?

Do you have big dreams but no confidence or idea of how to make them a reality?

Then I would love to tell you how life coaching can finally help you live the life you’ve always imagined!

Visit https://calendly.com/drlulu for a FREE 45-minute consult with me, let's talk about it. I CAN help!

Dr. Lulu


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