Ladies and Gentlemen,

Delora Evans is a Black gurl who SERIOUSLY rocks!

She dropped ALL kinds of serious nuggets right from the jump!

You will absolutely love her!

She talks about REAL life growing up as a Black child, teen, young adult, and much more.

Complete with disappointments and broken promises, drugs, alcohol, teen pregnancy, betrayals, abuse, you name it!

But she is such a warrior!

Today, she works with our most vulnerable; fighting addiction, and hopelessness in both the young and the old.

Find out why I was so happy to finally find someone who agrees with me, literally verbatim as to the underlying cause of suicide!


"We set ourselves on fire to warm others"

"Fits of despair lead to utter hopelessness"

"When a student is ready, the teacher appears"

"The best predictor of future performance is past behavior until there is change"

"Each one teach one, each one reach one"

Check her out at Full Fruit Empowerment Center on Facebook and on the internet.

On Instagram and you can send her an email at [email protected].

Feeling Stuck? Undecided? Dealing with a lack of motivation or self-belief?

Your thoughts hindering you from taking that next step?

Needing to reboot and press restart?

Do you need someone to talk to, to help you jumpstart your life again?

Help you figure out how to move forward?

Let's chat.

Go to, and schedule a free consult.

I guarantee you, you will look at your life with a different pair of lenses...:)


Dr. L

Life Coach


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