What are psychic pain and cognitive constriction?

This week's guest is one of those smart Black women you would love to keep listening to...

As a former police department counselor, she brings a whole different type of insight to our pages this week.

Recorded in September (suicide awareness month), she shares her experience working on the front lines of the suicide war. 

She tells tales of being the first on the scene for other people's suicides, AS WELL AS her own struggles.

Find out what she did that literally took my breath away!


"...acknowledge that vulnerability is considered a weakness and suicide a taboo"

"...even having those thoughts is considered a weakness"

"Depression is for White people"


1/ CONNECTION: Fight the fear to not connect with others

2/ Check in with people

3/ Suicidal thoughts are not taboo!

Where to Find 

Callery Counseling on Facebook

Are you a physician and a parent? Are you overwhelmed?

Feeling Stuck? Undecided? Dealing with a lack of motivation or self-belief?

Your thoughts hindering you from taking that next step?

Needing to reboot and press restart?

Do you need someone to talk to, to help you jumpstart your life again?

Help you figure out how to move forward?

Let's chat.

Go to calendly.com/drlulu, and schedule a free consult.

I guarantee you, you will look at your life with a different pair of lenses...:)


Dr. L

Life Coach


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